n12= .timer902 1 10 echo 3 -s 11,1The Motd has been Blocked. Goto the Ever Script menu, Motd and select Show Motd, then reconnect to see it. :) | /halt
n13= halt
n15=#motd end
n16=#whois on
n17=raw 301:*:echo 2 -a $parm2 is 5away:3 $parm3* | halt
n18=raw 311:* {
n19= echo 1 -a á
n20= echo 2 -a Address:5 $parm3 $+ @ $+ $parm4
n21= echo 2 -a Real Name:5 $parm6*
n22= echo 2 -a Time whoised5 $atime , $adate
n23= if $level($parm2) == 5 { echo 2 -a Friend?:5 Yes, type /a78 to add to op }
n24= else { echo 2 -a Friend?:5 No, type /a5 <nick> to add as one, type /a78 2 add op/friend | halt }
n26=raw 319:*:echo 2 -a 2Channels:5 $parm3* | halt
n27=raw 312:*:echo 2 -a 2Server:5 $parm3* | halt
n28=raw 313:*:echo 4 -a 2 $+ $parm2 is an 4IRC operator | halt
n29=#whois end
n30=#error enabled
n31=raw 421:*:/echo 1 -s 4Say what? / $+ $parm2 $+ ? What the 10heck is that? 3Try something else! Can't Beleive you! Keep trying. | halt
n32=#error end
n33=raw 401:*: {
n34= echo 2 -a á | echo 2 -a 2 $+ $parm2 $+ : 5No such nickname/channel on IRC ( $parm2 is not on!! ) | echo 2 -a á
n35= set %nosuchnick 1
n36= .timer 1 2 /unset %nosuchnick
n37= whowas $parm2
n38= halt
n40=raw 404:*: {
n41= echo 1 -s 4Cannot send data to channel!5 ( $+ $parm2 $+ )
n42= halt
n44=raw 432:*: {
n45= echo 1 -s Bad Nickname5 $parm2 10(Erroneous Characters? Oh yeah?) Please Try again. Well...Better than Nickserv telling me!!!!!!!
n46= halt
n48=raw 433:*: {
n49= echo 1 -s 4Nickname Already Taken
n50= halt
n52=raw 433:*:/echo 2 -a ╔vδ« ºó«ipT Sorry, $me , but that nick is in use!!!!!!! :(, oh well!!! :) Try another!! :P 3 ╔vδ« ºó«ipT | /speak Nickname in use | /halt
n53=raw 421:*:/echo 1 -s 4Say what? / $+ $parm2 $+ ? What the 10heck is that? 3Try something else! Keep trying and Good Luck!!!! :P 3 ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n54=raw 443:*:/echo 4 -a Ya know what, $me ? $parm2 is already on $parm3 !! :P 3 ╔vδ« ºó«ipT .....At least it saved ya some time! ;)
n55=raw 461:*:/echo 4 -a $parm2 : Not enough paramerters! I'm afriad you've made just a little mistake while attempting the command $parm2 . Dont worry, just try again!! 3 %logo
n56=raw 405:*:/echo 4 -a OOOOOOH! You have joined TOO MANY Channels, Man!!!!!!! Close some of them channels! Close 'em! Go ahead!! %logo
n57=raw 331:*:/echo 4 -a No Topic is set in $parm2
n58=raw 341:*:/echo 4 -a $parm2 has been invited to $parm3 Just gotta wait to see if $parm2 wants to join $parm3 :P | /halt
n59=raw 471:*:echo 4 $active Cannot Join Channel, it is full %logo